
Thank you, Augusta! That's great to hear. And reassuring. I thought I might have tipped too far into the weird this time.

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Gripping. Also, dying to meet whoever "G" is. And, I'll definitely be using that William Blake quote.

Thanks for another great piece. Underpants, underpants, underpants!

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Christopher Mooney

Not too far at all

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You’ve outdone yourself, Chris. Fabulous writing.

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It feels odd to say you knocked it out of the park when you so carefully stayed within the park. But the ball has flown the stadium in the direction of London, as you say. Can’t wait for next week.

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Wow, what a well-told tale! My heart is still racing, just like in the Garmin days! Skipping or jumping? That's the question with ropes and bridges. I think I'll stick with skipping now. Where was I while buff Asian man stripped off his shirt? I was sprinting to the town hall at breakneck speed, as if in serious training mode, in order to get help. The woman at the front desk didn't seem to know how to call for the paramedics, the pompier, the police, anything. Utterly flummoxed while I panted and spluttered and tried to string a sentence together. Then sprinted back to you and the injured man on the bank. Was I wearing a Mets cap? I won't say for certain because, why interfere with such a beautifully remembered and written memory? Morning runs with you were my saving grace for many years, Chris. And I can't tell you how many times I would attempt to cook your previous night's meal that same day. Or at least benefit from your inspiration. It is quite a thrill to be a part of a Hexagon post. Thank you, Sir!

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Wow this was gripping and unsettling. I didn’t know where we were going in the beginning but I knew I wanted to get there. The stream of consciousness at the end and word repetition... Bravo, I enjoyed reading this.

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