May 23, 2023Liked by Christopher Mooney

I am not going comment much on the tipping issue

Except that at retails stores (and my favorite butcher) when paying buy card - no tip!!

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May 22, 2023Liked by Christopher Mooney

Tipping in Toronto. They hand you the card reader and on it are four options, three of them embedded with an emotionally provocative adjective that are deemed to express your opinion of the service: 18% ("good"); 20% ("great"); 22% ("excellent"); and "other". No more 15% option, unless you choose "other" and slog through a series of prompts while your server stands over you, pretending to look away. The tip amount is always calculated on the taxed total, the sales tax on a meal in Toronto being 13%. So a $250 meal (the absolute minimum these days for 2 people if wine and cocktails are involved, and why not) plus the tax and an 18% tip -- if you are willing to digitally transmit to the server that their work was neither great nor excellent but merely "good" -- comes to $333.35.

Looking forward to France next month.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Christopher Mooney

It’s like having the waiter join you for dinner -ffs!

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Yes, France is still a steal when it comes to restaurant prices. And you know what the final bill when ordering will be - TVA built in, no calculations necessary!

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You are not coming to Canada this summer? Pity. We could have a glass of water. I’m sure we can have more than water. You can have wine. I will watch you drink the wine, as my designated drinker. Together we will tip, until we lose balance and eventually fall over. Then we will pick ourselves up and begin again. Sounds very Beckett.

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Falling in Vancouver/Bamfield, probably late September-October-ish. Circle the wagons!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Christopher Mooney

I will say I have used crazy glue on more meaningful cuts. Works like charm

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May 21, 2023Liked by Christopher Mooney

Hello Chris, so much fun to read your text! Hoping you are all well.. I'm never in Paris, crazy really, but then Covid made us lose 2 years of travel and since then, well, I'm stuck in Berlin. Lots of Clémentine

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Been too too long, Clémentine. Stuck in Berlin... could be worse. We'll be here and in Brittany all summer. Viens !

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So much to discuss!

Our debit/ credit machines in BC have had a suggested 18% minimum tip option since covid appeared and it annoys me to have to subsidize wages for large and small corporations.

Drag queen story time: Why now? Why all throughout the Western world?I’m extremely suspicious of this seemingly drop -down blanket policy-where there is no public engagement allowed - only accusations of intolerance from cry-bullies(”snowflakes?”)

I heard Martin Amis speak/read in a very intimate setting in Vancouver-in the late 1990’s .He was very sweet,humble and funny.He was asked about his teeth:Quite an epic tale.

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