I should not have laughed at that last line, but it's impossible not to. Sheesh! By the way, didn't your grandmother make you say "trousers" and not "pants"? Mine did. I love these posts lately. So spontaneous.
But how, intrinsically, or perhaps should I say, in the final analysis, what differentiates a Canadian from an Englishman, or for that matter, from a Frenchman? As an American, I must say that the concept of "Canadiansis" has always proven to be somehow something of a conundrum. And by elaboration, I cannot help but to remain utterly befuddled by the fact that a putitively independent and autonomous nation would so unerringly and "reliably" remain in the British monarchist column as regarding its selective head of state. (AUSTRALIA INCLUDED)
Great anecdote at the end. I laughed as it reminded of my father, and unfortunately my own habit of falling asleep while driving. I’m not proud and I’m not dead, so obviously the habit is less than a habit. Tendency implies greater numbers than the reality, so let me downgrade the rhetoric to occasional experience.
Man, cool as ever.
That last para: sweet. Perfect in its articulation. And very funny.
I should not have laughed at that last line, but it's impossible not to. Sheesh! By the way, didn't your grandmother make you say "trousers" and not "pants"? Mine did. I love these posts lately. So spontaneous.
But how, intrinsically, or perhaps should I say, in the final analysis, what differentiates a Canadian from an Englishman, or for that matter, from a Frenchman? As an American, I must say that the concept of "Canadiansis" has always proven to be somehow something of a conundrum. And by elaboration, I cannot help but to remain utterly befuddled by the fact that a putitively independent and autonomous nation would so unerringly and "reliably" remain in the British monarchist column as regarding its selective head of state. (AUSTRALIA INCLUDED)
Eh plus!
"Identity is a bitch."Yes.
As we divide ourselves to smithereens.
Great anecdote at the end. I laughed as it reminded of my father, and unfortunately my own habit of falling asleep while driving. I’m not proud and I’m not dead, so obviously the habit is less than a habit. Tendency implies greater numbers than the reality, so let me downgrade the rhetoric to occasional experience.
Nice text about a father and son relationship!! Humorous…
We've been reading the same things this week. Love the Emo Phillips joke.
Who’s Emo Phillips?